Rental conditions

Essential information

Necessities needed for car rental:

1) Natural person:

  • Identification card: valid identity card or a passport 
  • At least 4 years valid driving licence
  • Payment of agreed car rental and deposit, the amount of which depends on the type of car

2) Corporate body:

  • An original certificate stating the legal status of a firm
  • Identification card: valid identity card or a passport of a legal representative (factor) of the company
  • Driving license of the person who will drive the rented car
  • Payment of agreed car rental and deposit, the amount of which depends on the type of car

Deposit for the car, insurance:

Full deposit for the rent will be returned if there are no damages caused to the vehicle. In a case of an accident or damage to the vehicle caused by the hirer the deposit will be credited to letter to cover insurance codetermination. If an accident was not caused by the hirer and culprit is known the deposit will be returned. Vehicles have third party insurance and motor hull insurance which also includes theft insurance as well as vandalism caused to the rented car with territorial validity of Europe.

Payment for the vehicle:

Agreed rent and deposit for the vehicle must be paid when picking up the vehicle by one of the following methods:

  • Cash
  • Bank transfer
  • Payment card via mobile Point of Sale

We accept the following payment cards: Visa, Visa Electron, MasterCard, MasterCardElectronic, Maestro, JCB Cards, ZBK, DinersClub, American Express. When paying with payment card the rent and deposit will be blocked on the account. After returning undamaged vehicle a payment will be realised and deposit will be returned.

General information:

It is necessary to book a vehicle in advance by one of the following methods:

  • Telephone booking
  • Online by filling in the form
  • Using e-mail address
  1. Vehicle is picked up and returned by the customer with a full fuel tank.
  2. A driver must be a holder of a driving licence for at least the last 36 months and must hold a driving licence for the group of vehicles which are objects of car rental.
  3. Working hours of the car rental arefrom 7:00 to 18:00,, every day in the year. It is also possible to pick up the car outside working hours after making an agreement in advance,with no surcharge..
  4. Daily rate means 24 hours from the start of car rental. If this rate is exceeded for more than 60 minutes, another day of rent will be charged.
  5. Exit from Slovakia is required to report. The vehicle can only travel to the countries of the European Union on the basis of an authorization. 
  6. Daily mileage limit is 200 km. Rentals for more than 1 month: max 3000 km/month.

Loyalty discounts:

We provide discounts only for individual customers and long-term clients.